Check out my CV here!
E. Gould, H. S. Fraser, T. H. Parker, S. Nakagawa, S. Griffith, P. Vesk, F. Fidler, D. G. Hamilton (S. Kothari among 200+ other alphabetical authors). Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology 23 (2025): 35. PDF and EcoEvoRxiv version
J. Cavender-Bares, J. Grossman, J. A. Guzmán, S. E. Hobbie, M. Kaproth, S. Kothari, C. Lapadat, R. A. Montgomery, and M. Park. Forest and Biodiversity 2: A tree diversity experiment to understand the consequences of multiple dimensions of diversity and composition for long-term ecosystem function and resilience. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15 (2024): 2400-2414. PDF and bioRxiv version.
R. L. Bryant*, S. Kothari*, J. Cavender-Bares, S. J. Curran, J. J. Grossman, S. E. Hobbie, C. Nash, G. C. Neumiller, and C. R. See*. Independent effects of tree diversity on aboveground and soil carbon pools after six years of experimental afforestation. Ecological Applications 34 (2024): e3042. PDF (*equal contributors)
S. Kothari, S. E. Hobbie and J. Cavender-Bares. Rapid estimates of leaf litter chemistry using reflectance spectroscopy. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 54 (2024): 978-991. PDF and bioRxiv version
C. Wallis, S. Kothari, J. Jantzen, A. L. Crofts, S. St-Jean, D. Inamdar, M. Kalacska, A. Bruneau, N. Coops, E. Laliberté, and M. Vellend. Exploring the spectral variation hypothesis for α- and β-diversity: A comparison of open vegetation and forests. Environmental Research Letters 19 (2024): 064005. PDF
S. Kothari, R. Beauchamp-Rioux, F. Blanchard, A. Crofts, A. Girard, X. Guilbeault-Mayers, P. Hacker, J. Pardo, A. K. Schweiger, S. Demers-Thibeault, A. Bruneau, N. Coops, M. Kalacska, M. Vellend and E. Laliberté. Predicting leaf traits across functional groups using reflectance spectroscopy. New Phytologist 238 (2023): 549-566. PDF, bioRxiv version, and corrigendum
S. Kothari, R. Beauchamp-Rioux, E. Laliberté and J. Cavender-Bares. Reflectance spectroscopy allows rapid, accurate, and non-destructive estimates of functional traits from pressed leaves. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (2023): 385-401. PDF and bioRxiv version
S. Kothari* and A. K. Schweiger*. Plant spectra as integrative measures of plant phenotypes. Journal of Ecology 110 (2022): 2536-2554. PDF and EcoEvoRxiv version (*equal contributors)
A. K. Schweiger, J. Cavender-Bares, S. Kothari, P. A. Townsend, M. D. Madritch, J. J. Grossman, H. Gholizadeh, R. Wang and J. A. Gamon. Coupling spectral and resource-use complementarity in experimental grassland and forest communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (2021): 20211290. PDF and biorXiv version
P. L. Zarnetske*, J. Gurevitch*, J. Franklin, P. Groffman, C. Harrison, J. Hellmann, F. M. Hoffman, S. Kothari, A. Robock, S. Tilmes, D. Visioni, J. Wu, L. Xia and C.-E. Yang. Potential ecological impacts of climate intervention by reflecting sunlight to cool Earth. PNAS 118 (2021): e1921854118. PDF (*equal contributors)
S. Kothari, R. Montgomery and J. Cavender-Bares. Physiological responses to light explain facilitation and competition in a tree diversity experiment. Journal of Ecology 109 (2021): 2000-2018. PDF and biorXiv version
R. D. Briscoe Runquist*, A. Gorton*, J. B. Yoder*, N. J. Deacon, J. J. Grossman, S. Kothari, M. Lyons, S. Sheth, P. Tiffin and D. A. Moeller. Context dependence of local adaptation to abiotic and biotic environments: a quantitative and qualitative synthesis. The American Naturalist 195 (2020): 412-431. PDF (*equal contributors)
C. Halpern, J. Antos, S. Kothari and A. Olson. Past tree influence and prescribed fire exert strong controls on reassembly of mountain grasslands after tree removal. Ecological Applications 29 (2019): e01860. PDF
J. Cavender-Bares, S. Kothari and W. Pearse. Evolutionary Ecology of Communities. Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology (2018). PDF
J. Cavender-Bares, S. Kothari, J. E. Meireles, A. Hipp, M. Kaproth and P. Manos. The role of diversification in the continental scale community assembly of the American oaks (Quercus). American Journal of Botany 105 (2018): 565-586. PDF
R. Wang, J. A. Gamon, A. K. Schweiger, J. Cavender-Bares, P. A. Townsend, A. I. Zygielbaum and S. Kothari. Influence of species richness, evenness, and composition on spectral diversity: a simulation study. Remote Sensing of Environment 211 (2018): 218–228. PDF
S. Kothari, J. Cavender-Bares, K. Bitan, A. Verhoeven, R. Wang, R. Montgomery and J. Gamon. Community-wide consequences of variation in photoprotective physiology among prairie plants. Photosynthetica 56 (2018): 455–467. PDF
In review or revision
S. Kothari. When and how does photoinhibition matter for plant fitness? EcoEvoRxiv (in revision at American Journal of Botany).
S. Kothari, J. Urgoiti, C. Messier, W. Keeton, and A. Paquette. Functional strategies and neighborhood interactions influence self-pruning in tree crowns. bioRxiv (in revision at Functional Ecology)
C. Wallis, A. L. Crofts, S. Kothari, G. Tougas, D. Inamdar, J. P. Arroyo-Mora, M. Kalacska, N. Coops, E. Laliberté, and M. Vellend. Methodological considerations for studying spectral-plant diversity relationships. (in revision at Remote Sensing of Environment)
R. Esteban, B. Demmig-Adams, W. Adams III, and S. Kothari. Forests in Sunlight: Energy Impinging upon and Distributed within the Plant. (submitted to the edited volume Following Photons Through Forests: A Radiation Ecology)
D. White, J. Cavender-Bares, C. C. Davis, J. A. Guzmán, S. Kothari, J. M. Robles, J. E. Meireles. Seeing herbaria in a new light: leaf reflectance spectroscopy unlocks predictive trait and classification modeling in plant biodiversity collections. EcoEvoRxiv (in revision at New Phytologist)
R. Brooker, A. Hector, V. Temperton, A. Wright, B. Aguirre, K. Balazs, K. Barry, B. Butterfield, C. Lortie, G. Losapio, S. Kothari, B. Schmid, C. Schöb, L. Stefan, R. Callaway. Unpacking net interactions in plant communities: more than a parsing fancy. (submitted to New Phytologist)
In preparation
S. Kothari, F. Blanchard, S. Demers-Thibeault and E. Laliberté. Edaphic control of leaf senescence in winter-deciduous trees.
A. J. Wright, S. Kothari, R. Brooker, A. Hector, G. Losapio, B. Schmid, V. Temperton, B. Aguirre, K. Balazs, B. Butterfield, C. Schöb, L. Stefan, and K. Barry. Facilitation of low yielding species is ubiquitous and drives many biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships.
L. Stefan, B. Butterfield, B. A. Aguirre, K. R. Balazs, K. E. Barry, R. Brooker, A. Hector, S. Kothari, G. Losapio, B. Schmid, V. M. Temperton, A. J. Wright, C. Schöb. Facilitation is as strong a driver of complementarity effects in polycultures as is competition alleviation.
J. Lamour et al. (many authors including S. Kothari). The Global Spectra-Trait Initiative: A database of paired leaf spectroscopy and traits for developing models of photosynthetic capacity.